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Connecting With Your Child: One Note At a Time

Writer's picture: anyadarucardsanyadarucards

Does anyone else feel like as one gets older, time flies by faster? When I was a teacher my years were defined by the school calendar. Speaking of that, I can’t believe that some children have already started the 2022-2023 school year! Where does time go?! I was reflecting this morning, when I saw some children in school uniforms, and was reminded of a simple and powerful way to make a child’s day extra special. When your child is at school and you are at home, work or wherever you are, they may not feel connected to you and vice versa. Children who are starting a new school or a new grade may feel the going to school jitters or may miss their parents . I encourage you to partake in this simple yet powerful and meaningful act!

Over the years, there was always at least one student in each of my classes that was blessed with a parent or caregiver who would take the time to write a handwritten note, question, joke, quote, affirmation, or words of wisdom on a napkin or piece of paper. At the snack table I can still feel the energy of the note recipient as they opened their lunch box and found their note. I can also still hear children saying, “Teacher Anje! Teacher Anje! What did my Daddy(or whoever wrote the note) write today?” Trust me, reading the handwritten note was the highlight of snack time or lunchtime for the child and for me as a teacher.

These notes are also a great conversation starter for after school or at the dinner table. Are you familiar with asking your child, “ What did you do at school today?" and getting a reply such as:

" I don't remember?" I encourage you to use these little school notes as a way to learn more about your child’s day, their budding friendships, or as a way to learn more about how they are feeling social and emotionally. When we ask more specific and engaging questions, children are more apt to open up and share details about their time at school. These questions can be used for children 2-10 years old and can be adapted based on your child's age (if you need any support with this don't hesitate to reach out to me).

Here are some note ideas:

✏️What color/s did you paint with today?

✏️What was your peach(something good) and your pit (something hard, challenging, bad) of your day?

✏️What is making you smile today?

✏️Did you help a friend today? How did you help them?

✏️At dinner tonight can you sing or hum a song you sang at school today?

✏️Did you do any random acts of kindness today? If so, tell me about what you did.

✏️What was in the sensory table today? Did it feel cold? Did it feel slimy? What color was it?

✏️Did your teacher read a book today? Was the main character a person or an animal?

✏️I wonder if you built with blocks today? Tell me about your creation.

✏️How do you feel now? (Draw emojis and your child can point to their answer)

✏️Did you try anything that was new today?

✏️I’m curious, who you did you play with during free play?

✏️Did you play with a ball on the playground? What color was it? Did you kick it? Did you balance it on your head?

✏️How were you brave today?

✏️Did anything make you cry today?

✏️I love(fill in the blank) about YOU!

✏️Did you learn something new today?

✏️Can you find 3 circles(or any other shape) at your snack table?

✏️Can you find 1 thing in your classroom that starts with the same letter that your name starts with ?

✏️Make up a riddle for your child

✏️ I can't wait to snuggle with you after school!

What I always try to remind parents is how powerful connecting with a child can be if one takes a few seconds or minutes a day to write a note to their child. In a world that is so technology based, some children barely see handwriting anymore. One of my missions with Anyadaru cards is to keep handwritten notes and cards alive in this world.

Head to to buy some little school notes. I am honored to support the connection between you and your child this school year!

As Adrian Michael states, “ Never underestimate the power of a small gesture, the tiniest star can light up a room, going above and beyond isn’t always necessary when a hug, a smile, a handwritten note, will be just fine.”

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